15 seizure questions to ask your neurologist

  • September 16, 2021
  • 3
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Do you have an appointment with your epilepsy doctor coming up, but are unsure how to prepare? Many people find it difficult to know what to ask when they see their specialist. 

And that is especially true if you have only just been diagnosed with epilepsy. There is so much to learn, so many new words, and you might not have all that much time to speak with the neurologist. Unsurprisingly, several studies have found that people have difficulties communicating with their epilepsy doctor. 

To make things easier, we have put together a list of 15 questions to ask about epilepsy at your next appointment. 

How to prepare for appointments with a seizure doctor

Studies show that when patients are actively involved in their own treatment, they often have better health outcomes. In the past, it was common for doctors to simply tell the patient what they had to do. 

However, ‘active involvement’ means that you take some responsibility to learn more about your condition, ask your epilepsy doctor questions and record information between appointments, such as how many seizures you’ve had (you can do this in the Epsy App). 

To become more actively involved in your treatment, you can:

  • Think of a list of questions to ask about epilepsy
  • Record the conversation with your doctor on your smartphone
  • Take plenty of notes
  • Use an app like Epsy to record all your seizures and times you take medication, then show it to your epilepsy doctor

15 seizure questions to ask your neurologist

Everybody’s experience of epilepsy is different, so it is worth thinking of specific questions about how epilepsy will affect you. 

The following questions are designed to help if you have recently been diagnosed with epilepsy and have your first neurologist appointment coming up. You can use this list as inspiration to write your own questions to ask about epilepsy. 

General epilepsy question

  1. What kind of epilepsy do I have, and where can I learn more about it?
  2. Are there certain triggers for this kind of epilepsy that I should avoid?

Epilepsy medication questions

  1. Will I need medication to treat my epilepsy? What are the medications available? 
  2. If I need medication, what might the possible side-effects be? 
  3. How do anti-epilepsy drugs work?
  4. What happens if the medication does not stop my seizures, or if the side-effects are unpleasant?
  5. What alternative treatments to medication are available?
  6. What is the best way for me to record my seizures and times I take medicine?

Living with epilepsy questions

  1. Can I drive a vehicle? 
  2. Can I participate in sports? If so, which ones do you recommend? 
  3. What precautions should I take when travelling with epilepsy?
  4. How will epilepsy affect my social life, and how should I tell people I know about my diagnosis?
  5. How will epilepsy affect my life at school, college or work? Should I tell people about it? 

Support questions

  1. How can my friends or family help me if I have more seizures? 
  2. Are there any epilepsy support groups in my area?

Learn more: Read about some of the most common epilepsy myths

Preparing for your next seizure doctor appointment

Because you are unique, you will almost certainly have specific questions to ask about epilepsy relating to your lifestyle. But, by taking a little time to prepare your next appointment, you can get the most out of the meeting. 

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